Halloween Candy and Your Child’s Smile

October 17, 2013

Halloween is fast-approaching, so we want to take this opportunity to remind you and your family about candy, sugar and the impact they can have on your child’s smile. It is important to be mindful of the amount of sugar your child is consuming, especially because of the potential impact on their smile.

Children’s teeth are still growing and developing, so they can be especially vulnerable to decay and cavities. Halloween candy is fun and should be allowed, but in a controlled amount. We recommend that after trick or treating is over, that you and your child sort through their candy together. Pick a certain amount of candy that your child is allowed to eat, and pick a certain time for this to happen.

It’s better to snack all at once rather than nibbling throughout the day because each time you’re eating, you’re opening your mouth up to bacteria all over again.  Sticky or chewy candies are among the worst for your smile because they stick to your mouth longer than other candies. This gives bacteria a better place to grow and breed.

When you’re having fun collecting candy and celebrating this Halloween, remember to be mindful of what you’re eating and how much. Sugar is fine in moderation. By taking the time to care for your smile, it will last you a lifetime. Call your dentist if you have any questions about decay and cavities.

At Long Family Dental, we provide quality general, restorative and cosmetic dentistry services in Cleburne and Midlothian. Give us a call today to schedule your next appointment. Dr. Bob and Dr. Chris Long are here to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.