Which Toothpaste Is Best For Your Smile? Ask A Dentist!

June 3, 2020

Couple brushing their teeth with tips from a dentistIf you’ve ever spent what felt like forever trying to choose toothpaste at the store, you’re not alone. With so many options, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed! But with a little information about each option, you’ll know which toothpaste will benefit your smile the most. Along with regular checkups with a dentist, brushing twice a day with the right toothpaste has a big impact on your dental health. Learn more below about what sets each type of toothpaste apart. With this information, you’ll be able to choose the right one based on your specific needs.

Sensitivity Toothpaste

Temperature sensitivity is fairly common and makes it difficult to enjoy everything from cold water to ice cream. If you can relate, a sensitivity toothpaste is a great option because it contains special ingredients that coat the enamel and protect the sensitive inner nerve. These formulas can take a couple of weeks (or more) to start working, so don’t give up if you don’t get relief right away.

Tartar Control

Some people naturally build up more tartar than others and may start noticing it just a few weeks or months after a dental cleaning. A tartar control toothpaste can reduce the amount of tartar you get and help you hang on to that fresh feeling a bit longer. With that said, some people experience increased sensitivity when using them.

High-Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral that strengthens your teeth (similar to how calcium strengthens your bones). The majority of toothpastes from the store contain a small amount of fluoride that’s important for cavity prevention.

But if you’re particularly prone to getting cavities, a dentist can prescribe a high-fluoride toothpaste that significantly reduces your risk of tooth decay and the amount of dental work you need.

Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste may not make a dramatic difference in the color of your teeth, but they’re great for removing surface stains. They can give your smile a cleaner, brighter appearance, and are especially helpful if you drink a lot of coffee, tea or wine.

Natural Formulas

For people who have allergies to some of the common ingredients in toothpaste such as sulfates (foaming agents), a natural formula may be a great option. Just make sure to look at the label to confirm that it contains fluoride for cavity prevention.

Regardless of the specific oral health problems you’re facing, there’s a toothpaste that’s right for you. By using it twice a day and seeing a dentist for regular checkups, you’ll go a long way towards maintaining a healthy smile.

About the Author

Dr. Robert Long is a second-generation dentist and also a native of the Cleburne area. As a big believer in the importance of good oral hygiene at home, he’s always happy to help his patients choose the best products for their individual needs. If you’d like more information about which toothpaste to use or have any questions, you can reach Dr. Long by clicking here.