Need 5 Good Reasons To Schedule Regular Checkups With a Dentist?

August 3, 2019

Dentist performing an exam on female patientPeople are busier than ever these days and only want to spend their limited time on the things that really matter. But while you may not think of seeing a dentist for routine care as something important, the truth is that checkups and cleanings are essential for your well-being. Not to mention that the more consistent you are with these visits, the less major dental work you’ll need in the long-term. In this blog, you’ll learn about the 5 best reasons to get bi-annual checkups and how they help you maintain a healthy smile for life!

1. Cavities Are Found Early

Chance are that you won’t feel a cavity until it’s done a fair amount of damage to your tooth. If you’re getting checkups every 6 months (which include X-rays once a year), a dentist can find cavities before they cause pain, when they can be treated with a small, inexpensive filling (instead of more extensive procedures like a dental crown, root canal, etc.)

2. You’ll Get Regular Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer has been on the rise, and around 50,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. With early detection, however, treatment is very effective and survival rates are high. Fortunately, simple, non-invasive oral cancer screenings are automatically done at your dental checkups, so it couldn’t be easier.

3. Cleanings Remove the Tartar You Can’t Remove at Home

Even if your brushing and flossing habits are perfect, you simply can’t remove all the plaque and tartar deposits from your teeth, particularly from under your gumline. With a professional cleaning every 6 months, your teeth and gums will stay much cleaner and you’ll minimize bad breath, cavities, and gingivitis. Plus, your smile will look better, too.

4. You’ll Prevent or Manage Gum Disease

Think that cavities are the main cause of tooth loss? Think again! It’s actually gum disease. This condition affects an estimated 50% of the adult population and destroys the gums and underlying bone that support your teeth and keep them in place. In advanced cases, the teeth can become loose and fall out.

Equally as serious, there have been countless studies showing that gum disease increases the risk of:

  • Heart disease
  • Pregnancy complications like low birth weight
  • Stroke
  • Certain cancers
  • Diabetes
  • Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia

Routine dental care will go a long way towards keeping your gums in great shape, lowering your risk of tooth loss and keeping your whole body healthier.

5. You’ll Avoid Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies often happen at the worst times, like a vacation or a busy week at work. Keep in mind that if you have any dental problems, they won’t get better on their own, they’ll only get worse. To prevent them from flaring up when you least expect it, have your teeth regularly monitored by a dentist who can find problems early and treat them when it’s convenient for you.

When you consider the fact that you get these 5 benefits from a dental visit that only takes about an hour, you realize it’s a pretty good investment of your time!

About the Author

Dr. Robert Long is a second-generation family dentist and a native of the Cleburne area. With over 25 years of experience, he knows that regular checkups are the best way for his patients to keep their teeth and gums healthy and encourages everyone to get routine care. If you have any questions or want to schedule a checkup, he can be reached via his website.