Sports drinks have become incredibly popular in the last couple of decades, especially among young adults. In fact, the Academy of General Dentistry estimates that 62% of teens consume at least one sports drink every day. Many people believe that these beverages are healthy, but are they? It’s true that they contain crucial electrolytes that are lost through sweat, so they are hydrating. But, unfortunately, you pay a high price for that hydration in terms of your dental health, even when you drink the sugar-free varieties. Want to learn a better way to stay hydrated? Keep reading below!
Can Sports Drinks Harm Your Teeth? A Dentist Discusses the Surprising Truth
July 25, 2019
Dealing With Canker Sores? A Dentist Discusses Prevention and Treatment
July 8, 2019
A canker sore seems like it would be a small problem…until you have one. Then it’s all you can think about! Suddenly, brushing your teeth, having acidic foods or beverages like orange juice, and even enunciating your words becomes a lot more difficult. But what are canker sores in the first place? Are they harmful and should you have them looked at by a dentist? In this blog, you’ll get answers to those questions and find out how to prevent and treat this common (but painful) condition.
Confused About Which Toothpaste Is Best? A Dentist Weighs In
June 6, 2019
If you’re motivated to maintain a healthy smile and stay cavity-free, chances are that you see a dentist regularly and do well with your brushing habits. And when you put in the time and effort to brush, you may as well get all the benefits you can! Technique is certainly important, but so is the type of toothpaste you use. The only problem is that there are so many options out there that it can be overwhelming to pick the best one. Keep reading below to learn about the general benefits of toothpaste and which type is right for you!
Is It Important To Keep Your Tongue Clean? A Dentist Says Absolutely!
May 21, 2019
Did you know that the surface of your tongue is just as unique as your fingerprints? Your tongue also has between 3,000 and 10,000 taste buds and heals more quickly than any other body part. It also affects your oral health in surprising ways and can be the difference between fresh and not-so-fresh breath! But while most people understand why checkups with a dentist and good oral hygiene habits are necessary to keep their teeth clean, many forget about their tongue altogether. Keep reading to find out how a clean, healthy tongue benefits you and how to keep it that way!
Is There a Link Between Gum Disease and Your Heart? A Dentist Explains
May 7, 2019
When you think about keeping your heart healthy, you probably think about diet, exercise, and stress management. But did you know that people with gum disease have nearly double the chance of developing heart problems? Gum disease (also called periodontal disease) affects millions of people and, in addition to being linked to heart health, is also the leading cause of tooth loss. After reading this blog, you’ll have a better understanding of how your gums and heart are related and get tips for keeping both healthy at the same time!
How Your Cosmetic Dentist Can Boost Your Confidence
April 20, 2019
You have an important interview for a job you really want. You think you’re fully ready and qualified for the position, but you’re still nervous. You could use some more confidence going into the interview, particularly when it comes to your smile. Well, now’s the time to get the treatment you need with your cosmetic dentist to bring your teeth up to par. That way, you can walk in completely self-assured, give the interviewer a firm handshake, and convince them that you’re the right candidate for the job. (more…)
3 Benefits of Going to a Family Dentist
April 3, 2019
Your family is the most important thing to you in the world. You would do anything for them. When it comes to their oral health, you want to find a dental practice that can meet their needs and help them have the kind of experience that sets them on the path to oral health in the future. Well, a family dentist can do that for every member of your family, even young children. Keep reading this post to learn about the benefits of choosing a family dentist for the ones you love most. (more…)
Family Dentist Explains Benefits of Mouthwash and Which One Is Right For You!
March 18, 2019
You head off to the store with what you think is a simple goal: picking up some mouthwash. But with the huge number of choices, this task can quickly become more overwhelming and time-consuming than you expected! However, the right mouthwash can improve your oral health and help you minimize the amount of dental work you need from a family dentist, so it’s well worth it to figure out which product to use. Keep reading to learn more so you won’t waste time in the store making a decision ever again!
Why Is Flossing Important – and How Can You Make It Easier? Ask a Dentist!
March 5, 2019
If you asked any dentist which habit their patients struggle with the most, nearly all of them would say flossing! There’s a multitude of reasons that people have a hard time with flossing. For starters, some people don’t learn just how important it is until they’re well into adulthood and already “set in their ways.” For others, they’re too tired at the end of the day to do yet another task before bedtime. But, since flossing is crucial for a healthy smile, it’s worth it to learn some tricks for making it easier. Keep reading to learn about the many ways flossing benefits you and get some tips for making it easier. Your smile will thank you!
Want Better Gum Health? A Dentist Explains Which Foods Can Help
February 23, 2019
Many people assume that cavities are the leading cause of tooth loss, but did you know that it’s actually gum disease? In fact, perfectly healthy teeth that have never had a cavity can become loose and fall out if they don’t have adequate gum support to keep them in place. In addition, gum disease has been found to increase the risk of many serious health conditions. Fortunately, along with good oral hygiene habits and regular checkups with a dentist, there are many foods you can add to your diet that will contribute to good gum health. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of your gums and which foods will keep them in good shape!