It can be hectic running a family sometimes. You look at your calendar of appointments and you start to empathize with air traffic controllers. Even when things are running smoothly, it can be very stressful, and dental issues only add to it. Your child hasn’t had a check-up in a very long time, one of your parents has been complaining about their dentures, and you have a broken tooth that desperately needs to be fixed. You spend hours on the internet trying to find a dentist who can take care of each particular problem, and of course, you’ve had no luck. This is a problem many people deal with every day when trying to balance the dental needs of everyone in their family. “Can’t I find just one dentist in Cleburne who can help everybody?” Yes, yes you can, and Dr. Robert and Dr. Chris Long are going to share a little more about the kind of care you can expect when you visit Long Family Dental. (more…)
What to Expect When You Visit Your Dentist in Cleburne
January 3, 2017
Dentist in Cleburne Recommends Dental Health for the New Year
December 11, 2016
As the new year approaches, now is the perfect time to set new goals for yourself for the upcoming year. What better time than now to recommit to your oral health? As the new year starts, make better dental health part of your New Year’s resolutions. As your family dentist in Cleburne, we have the simple and effective tips you need to promote your oral health throughout the upcoming year. You will make a true investment in your quality of life with better oral health.
Dentist in Cleburne Reminds You to Avoid Holiday Emergencies With Prevention
November 19, 2016
Nothing beats Grandma’s homemade peanut brittle specially made during the holidays! This festive time of year brings up so many delicious, yet dangerous goodies for us to enjoy. At Long Family Dental, we say dangerous because this is the time of year when our dental emergencies increase due to hard candies breaking teeth or dental restorations, or sticky chewy treats pulling off dental crowns or fillings. Your dentist in Cleburne reminds you to avoid holiday emergencies with prevention.
Teeth Whitening in Midlothian for the Holidays
November 9, 2016
Are you tired of hiding your smile in the holiday photos each year? If you’re not satisfied with the appearance of your teeth, Long Family Dental has a quick and cost effective solution that will make you the life of the holiday party this year. Whitening your teeth can make a huge impact on your smile and even take years off of your appearance. Consider teeth whitening in Midlothian for the holidays.
Reboot Your Smile with Your Cosmetic Dentist in Midlothian
October 8, 2016
The camera zooms in as the girl eloquently address her class. You’ve seen her journey from troubled youth to valedictorian in the last 90-minutes, and it’s all lead to this speech. You’re sure she’s say something interesting, but all you can pay attention to are her teeth. In a word, they are perfect. What made them look so good? Your cosmetic dentist in Midlothian at Long Family Dental wants you to know how your teeth can look at beautiful as well. (more…)
What to Expect with Dental Crowns in Cleburne
October 1, 2016
Whenever something goes wrong with your car’s engine, you know it needs to get fixed immediately. Not just for its own sake, but because it can affect other parts around it as well. The longer you wait, the worse the problem may get. The same can be said for your teeth. If you have a tooth that needs to be repaired, the sooner you act, the better. “What does that actually involve?” you wonder. Your dentists at Long Family Dental are happy to answer your questions about getting dental crowns in Cleburne.
Signs You Might Need a Root Canal in Midlothian
September 27, 2016
It starts off as a beautiful day out with friends and family, until sensitivity strikes at the ice cream shop. It goes away pretty quickly; so no big deal, right? The next thing you notice is that your tooth hurts, and now it doesn’t go away – unless you take ibuprofen, not to worry, right? If this scenario sounds at all familiar, you should stop right here and call your trusted team at Long Family Dental, because things are about to get worse. Next you wake up in the middle of the night to a severe toothache that doesn’t go away, even with medication. These are the signs that you might needs a root canal in Midlothian.
Caring For Your Dentures in Cleburne
September 15, 2016
When you’re missing multiple teeth it has a huge impact on the quality of your life. Your diet and nutrition are affected because you can’t properly chew your food, and this affects your digestion and health. You may feel self-conscious about talking or smiling because of your missing teeth, and this impacts your confidence. The good news is that dentures may be the right solution for restoring your smile, and Dr. Bob Long and Dr. Chris Long can help! Here’s more information about wearing and caring for your dentures in Cleburne.
Restoring Your Smile With Dental Crowns in Midlothian
August 20, 2016
Teeth that are worn, fractured or damaged can diminish the appearance of your smile. The good news is that if your tooth is beyond the repair that a dental filling can offer, you still have options to restore your smile with dental crowns in Midlothian. Dr. Robert Long and Dr. Chris Long carry on the forty-year tradition of creating spectacular smiles at Long Family Dental in Midlothian, TX. Here’s some more information about what dental crowns can do for your smile.
Options For Replacing Missing Teeth With Implant Dentures in Cleburne
August 5, 2016
Living with multiple missing teeth can feel challenging and hopeless. Chewing and eating becomes difficult, which affects your nutrition and health. Talking and smiling might feel embarrassing, which affects your personal and professional relationships. Did you know that your oral health is also in jeopardy? For over forty years, Long Family Dental has been providing solutions for patients with missing teeth, and we’ve helped them reclaim their teeth and their lives. Learn more about your options for replacing missing teeth with implant dentures in Cleburne.