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Family Dentist Explains Benefits of Mouthwash and Which One Is Right For You!

March 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longfamilydental @ 1:36 pm

Smiling woman using mouthwashYou head off to the store with what you think is a simple goal: picking up some mouthwash. But with the huge number of choices, this task can quickly become more overwhelming and time-consuming than you expected! However, the right mouthwash can improve your oral health and help you minimize the amount of dental work you need from a family dentist, so it’s well worth it to figure out which product to use. Keep reading to learn more so you won’t waste time in the store making a decision ever again!


Why Is Flossing Important – and How Can You Make It Easier? Ask a Dentist!

March 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — longfamilydental @ 1:31 pm

Up-close photo of a woman flossingIf you asked any dentist which habit their patients struggle with the most, nearly all of them would say flossing! There’s a multitude of reasons that people have a hard time with flossing. For starters, some people don’t learn just how important it is until they’re well into adulthood and already “set in their ways.” For others, they’re too tired at the end of the day to do yet another task before bedtime. But, since flossing is crucial for a healthy smile, it’s worth it to learn some tricks for making it easier. Keep reading to learn about the many ways flossing benefits you and get some tips for making it easier. Your smile will thank you!
